Public Safety Survey

We hope to use this survey to learn how we can better serve our Community. Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions.

Part I: Tell us about yourself
My connection to Cannon Beach is:
About how many years have you lived in Cannon Beach?:
I am:
I am:
My Age is:
What area of the City do you live or work in?:
Note: This will assist us in determining if there are areas of our City that may need more attention than others on specific problems.
Part II. Your contacts with the Cannon Beach Police Department
We would like to know how you have had contact with us during the past year. Select all that apply.
In the past year, I have been in contact with the Cannon Beach Police Department as:
Questions Poor Average Great N/A
Part III. What is the Quality of our work?
For each question, indicate the level that best represents your opinion.
Questions Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Don't Know
How do you rate the overall safety of your neighborhood?:
How safe would you feel walking alone at night?:
How would you feel walking alone in your neighborhood at night?:
Part IV. What does the Future hold for us?
These responses will be critical in our preparation of a Strategic Plan that will guide the Seaside Police department in the coming years. Your input in these areas is very important to us.
If you have additional comments or would care to elaborate on any of the questions above, please do so in this field here. If you do not have additional comments, please type "none." Thank you!