ITB - Midtown Restrooms Addition and Remodel

Bid/RFP Status
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date
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Proposals due by 2:00 p.m., July 24, 2023

Sealed bids for the Midtown Restrooms Addition and Remodel Project will be received by Karen La

Bonte, Public Works Director, for the Owner, City of Cannon Beach, at 163 E Gower, Cannon Beach,

Oregon 97110 at 2:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, on July 24, 2023, at which time and place they will be

publicly opened and read aloud. No bids will be accepted after this time. The bid opening will be in person

at the address listed above unless government restrictions prevent that from happening. In that case, the

City will arrange for a virtual bid opening via Zoom.

All bidders shall submit, in a separate, sealed envelope, within two working hours of the bid opening time,

on the bid date, a completed First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form in compliance with ORS 279C.370.

In general, the elements of work include, but are not limited to:

A remodel of the existing Midtown public restrooms as well as a building expansion to increase the number

of fixtures available for customer use at this location. Contractor shall build as designed and engineered in

the plans included as Exhibit F to this invitation to bid. City has pre-selected desired fixtures to match those

in place at other City-owned public restrooms. Contractor shall provide all noted materials unless otherwise


To accommodate heavy visitor traffic and ensure public safety, construction shall occur in two phases:

1. The restroom addition shall be constructed as the first phase. The existing restroom facility must

always remain operational and accessible to the public at this time.

2. The remodel of the existing restroom facility shall be the second phase. During the remodel, the

addition completed as phase one must always remain operational and accessible to the public.

Responsive bidders shall demonstrate proven experience working around sensitive, critical infrastructure

like sewer force mains, gas lines, etc.

Project bidding documents are available electronically by contacting Tessa Schutt at schutt [at] ci.cannonbeach. or 503-436-8048, or can be viewed at City of Cannon Beach, at 163 E Gower, Cannon Beach,

Oregon 97110.

All bidders shall comply with the provisions of ORS 279C.800-870 [workers on public works to be paid

not less than prevailing rate of wage for projects over $50,000.00]. Contractors submitting bids are required

to be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board.

A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at City Hall, 163 E. Gower St., Cannon Beach, OR 97110

on June 22, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Statements made by the City’s representative at the conference are not

binding on the City unless confirmed by written addendum by the City.

Bid security in the amount of not less than 5% of the bid must accompany each bid in accordance with the

Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed

public bidding procedures and requirements, may reject a bid that does not comply with requirement to

demonstrate bidder’s responsibility under ORS 279C.375(3)(b), and may reject, for good cause, any or all

bids upon a finding of the Owner that it is in the public interest to do so in accordance with ORS 279C.395.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any bid irregularities or informalities.

No bidder may withdraw or modify the bidder’s bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, until after the lapse of 30 days from the bid opening.

The selected contractor is required to obtain a City business license prior to start of work.

By Order of the

City of Cannon Beach